How To Win At Sports Betting [part 3]


The camel-coated brigade


Okay then, we've stocked up on notebooks, pencils or a computer spreadsheet, and the refreshment cabinet is full to the brim. What do we do now? Review the 3 rules below and then let's move on.

1/ Establish an initial bankroll
2/ Keep accurate records of all bets
3/ Never risk more than 5% (less is better) of the bank at any one time.

The next step may seem like an obvious one, but it trips up so many people there should be a Government health warning along these lines on every bookies coupon.

WARNING: Betting on sports where you have no in-depth knowledge can seriously affect your health and finances.

Q: How obvious is that? 
Q: How valid is the point? 
Q: How many of you will ignore it?

A: Very: Very: Plenty:

We know from experience that many punters, once the decision to have a bet is taken, will bet on almost anything just to satisfy their need and craving for the excitement that goes along with the process.

The adrenalin rush associated with gambling is a potent and powerful force that occasionally cannot be denied, and unless it can be tamed there is nothing but a headlong rush into long-term losses in prospect for the unfortunate sufferer.

We're not suggesting that the excitement and enjoyment be taken out of the equation altogether, only directed into an area where at least the punter has a better chance of ending the day with some profits in the bank.

Punting on any sport without in-depth knowledge reduces the chances of winning to pure luck and relying on the opinions of others to make the decisions on our behalf. This doesn't mean that proven sports tipsters should not be acknowledged and followed, but that blindly going with the flow of someone else's opinion reduces the overall chance of winning over an extended period of time.

To be successful we simply must build our own opinions, and those can only be made by using our own records and methods for selecting likely winners to bet on.

The first thing to do then is be honest with ourselves and choose one or two sports in which we have some knowledge. These are the sports in which we will attempt to make our betting pay dividends. There is simply no point in punting on events of which we know little.


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Whatever sport we choose, we must now learn everything that can possibly help us on our quest. The websites with the latest news and information should be bookmarked and visited regularly. 

The newspapers and magazines with current information should be read regularly, and the opinions of others involved in the betting arena should be noted (although not blindly followed) and all the while we should be formulating our own opinions.

When we have decided on a bet, and carefully noted our stake and all other details into our records, we should also add a few words as to why we selected the bet. These can be read at a later date and patterns will be seen in our overall strategy.

Does this seem like a lot of work? Perhaps even verging on the bounds of over-kill? The answer to that question will determine just how serious we are about making a living from sports betting.

We'll go a step further and suggest that without this type of preparation there is absolutely no chance of long term profit taking. 
That's a pretty strong statement, but one which we believe to be true and all those with an ambition to rise above the herd would be well advised to take note of it.

In part four of this series of articles we'll lighten up a little and introduce some fun aspects to the business of bookie plundering, but for now we have tried to convey just how seriously we believe the business to be. 

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